Social shares

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We typically share for the following reasons: 

To announce new content

Typically, all you need is the post title and link, but you should feel free to write something else if inspired. (And note that Facebook provides space to both share the title as-is, as well as add a comment, as you would on your personal account.)

Just remember to always ask yourself: what problem does this post solve for readers, and how can I enticingly explain that to potential readers? 

To announce a new feature

We typically aim to be a little more inspiring, excited, and enthused when sharing a new feature, while remaining on-message. Just keep the core principle of Webflow social sharing in mind: what we do is about the user, and what our features enable them to do, not about us. Opening a feature announcement with phrases like "We just launched" or "We've added support for" usually just wastes characters that could be spent focusing on what the feature enables our users to get done.

Here we've effectively announced that a new feature has launched, plus given users a hint at what it enables them to do with the "bring the web back to life" call to action. All without saying we.

To spread the love of #MadeInWebflow sites

Every week, at least a handful of sites made in Webflow are shared in our #in-the-wild channel on Slack. Unless the person who posts to Slack says otherwise, these are A-OK to share on our various social networks. Just say something about how amazing the site is, add a link, and don't forget the #MadeInWebflow hashtag! 

To share third-party content that's meaningful to our users

We don't currently do a lot of this, but we're looking to change that. The web is a big place, so there's tons to share that's published by other brands and individuals. If it's relevant to our audience and not published by or clearly promoting one of our direct competitors, it's a-ok to share.

Again: just don't forget to be user-centered! Make that relevance clear in the tweet itself can do a lot to encourage engagement.

Note how the parenthetical comment assures Webflow users we've set them up for success in this brave new world.

To keep people informed when things go wrong

It doesn't happen too often, but every once in a while Webflow will go down. When things go wrong, reference the outage communication playbook for guidance.

Things we shouldn't do

In addition to always striving to be user-centered and empowering, we should never

  1. Blame the user. Don't be like Netflix and mock user's love of something — no matter how cheesy it seems.
  2. Attack anyone — even competitors. Even when we compare ourselves to competitors, we strive to be fair and balanced. If a customer compares us to a competitor, it's fine to like the tweet or post, but don't retweet it.
  3. Share marketing content during an outage. We don't schedule tweets for exactly this reason. Promoting your service while it's down just isn't a good look.

Social shares

in use

You'll find a whole host of examples in our Twitter feed and on Facebook.


Conversational, authoritative, approachable, and just a little playful.

Readers' feelings

Wow. My client just asked me to do something this feature enables/content speaks to!


Outage communication playbook

Read the playbook

This document provides guidance on how to respond to an AWS outage (or other platform-disabling issue), including directions for posting to our status page, communicating the issue on Twitter, and who to turn to for help.