Keyboard shortcuts

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  1. Don’t use icons, always spell out the key name
    Symbols like ⇧, ⌥, ⌃, and ⇪ are just confusing for those who don't immediately recognize them.
  2. Use sentence case for each key
    That is, capitalize the first letter of each key name, even if it's two or more words. E.g., Shift, Down arrow, Command.
  3. Use the + sign with spaces between key names
    That is, Control + Shift.
  4. Use (on Mac) and (on Windows) when the key names differ
    That is, Control + Shift (on Windows) or Command + Shift (on Mac).

Keyboard shortcuts

in use

To copy an element, press Command + C.



Readers' feelings

I'm so glad they didn't use that confusing ⌥ icon.


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